01 November 2007

The Picture of Perfection!

Max fights sleep...many of you I am sure have heard me say that one time or a million times. His typical day consists of usually two really good naps. One in the morning and one in the late afternoon. Yesterday was a day that he really did not want to sleep. :)

He took a few naps, what I have come to call Power Naps, he only sleeps for about a 1/2 hour (if I am lucky!) and then is up for a couple of hours and repeat. I am sure that he loves all the playing and reading that we do but I on the other hand I LOVE it when he sleeps for a few hours at a time. Can you say Hot Shower!! Anyhue....yesterday he was full of energy and so he only took a few short PN's (a.k.a Power Naps) and by the time Karl got him from work Little Max was maxxed out. I went to the gym yesterday ~ that is another story all together ~ and Karl stayed home with Max. I was gone for about an hour and a half and when I got hom Max was sleeping. Karl said that he had only been asleep for about a 1/2....I had a 50/50 shot that he was going to continue sleeping long enough for me to eat dinner. Luckily I had made a pot of Chili ~ a tradition I have brought to New Jersey from Carl & Teresa, but again that is another story ~ I inhaled my bowl of chili and moments later Mr. Max awakens. I realize that I am sort of babbling but I do have a point.

Only a short while after waking I could tell that he was still tired but ever the explorer he wanted to stay awake and play or look around or whatever I was going to allow. I decided that he needed to in fact sleep and so my ever stubborn son decided to scream, cry, and howl for about an hour or so and finally Daddy stepped in to save the day....in the end a picture is worth a thousand words (or I guess how ever many I have written!!!). See below for the final result.


The Nut House... said...

When he takes his naps, is he sleeping in his crib in his room?

Miralee said...

I have been trying to get him used to sleeping in his crib for naps. It's slowly starting to work!

I have been a lazy parent and have let him sleep in his swing for the last month for naps. BUT he loves his swing, I LOVE his swing. I am going to be very sad the day that he outgrows the swing...as Melanie said in a previous post We bow to the swing!!