19 September 2007


Ok I am probably going to get my head taken off by putting this down in writing but I can't help it. I was watching Oprah today, yes that is my one little splurges of being a "sahm" (stay at home mom) and Justin Timberlake was on. I will admit that I have always been a fan of the boy bands (Mel you cannot say a word - I know that deep down inside you still love NKOTB!).

Anyhue I have been a very loyal fan of Justin's since he left N'Sync and today I saw him perform live on Oprah's show and he was fantastic! I am happy to say that I am a fan of his. I feel that his music has moved on past his teen years and he is starting to mature...who cares that he is still like 15 years younger than me....I still love him! BTW Reba McEntire was on w/Kelly Clarkson and they were both phenomenal as well! All in all it was a great show!


The Nut House... said...

OMG! I saw that today! I was glued to the tv!!! I haven't really been a big fan of his, because he came out while I was in my, a hem... alternative era. (Think Club X). But, I must say that he may just have a new fan. I love his teeth, lol. They are so straight!

Oh! And the Reba/Kelly Clarkson song... there is a video of them together... Let me see if I can find it. Hold on... searching youtube.
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I was GLUED to the video! I totally got the story. Let me know what you think!!!

Melanie said...

You go to four lousy concerts, buy a couple t-shirts and kiss a poster good night every night for a year and suddenly you have a reputation for being a die hard NKOTB fan. Whatever.

Justin will never be as cute as Donnie and don't you dare say it!!!!!

Miralee said...

I love you Melanie! I am just jealous that I couldn't be right beside you at the concerts!