07 September 2007

Popcorn Lung...

Well it's official....everything that I love to eat or drink is bad for me. Have you seen the hype about this popcorn lung? Apparently there is an ingredient in microwave popcorn that could possibly cause you to have lung cancer. That is if you eat multiple bags of it every day for like 10 years. I saw this on the news and just out of curiosity did a search and was amazed how many links came up about it.

That means that just about everything I love in regards to food/drink if bad...coffee - not necessarily because of the caffeine but because of the really bad for me creamer that I like to put in it, chocolate - causes me to be fat, alcohol - obvious, sugary/starchy foods (potato, bread, Little Debbie's, etc.) - again causes me to be fat, there go the arteries....the list goes on and on. Since we have moved to "The Shore" I have been trying to eat more healthy. I have been trying to eat more vegetables, fresh not frozen, I have been trying to pay more attention to labels (bad high fructose corn syrup), and I have been trying to not be anything that is partially, fully, or whatever is hydrogenated (yeah for real butter - none of that tub or spray stuff, give me the real thing - I don't want to be 80 and still be walking around with fake butter in my veins from when I was 40!).

But my point after that little outburst is that I guess I have to try even harder....only popcorn on the stove for me! It's better that way anyway right? Who cares that it takes forever to make and that I have a newborn right???? LOL! Well for anyone that is interested in reading more about the popcorn lung here is a link to all the links that came up from my search...happy reading!



The Nut House... said...

Funny you would mention that. I saw that same thing on TV. Was it GMA or the Today show? Regardless, that same day, off to Target we went and bought a popcorn maker. My 8 year old LOVES popcorn, so it is she that I am very worried about. Little Miss knows how to make it in the microwave, using those popcorn lung bags, and that just horrifies me.

I think we must be cruising on the same boat together you and I, because I too have become very concerned about the things I am ingesting. There is so much crap in everything we eat. It seems very difficult to "get back to nature" because the FDA has taken that away from us for so long. It's become a real task.

Coffee creamer... I LOVE the flavored ones, yet they are loaded with partially hydrogenated crap. What is a girl to do? Mel would have cardiac arrest if she knew I was still drinking them. I'm trying to get away from them... I am. Just looking for a new "vice".

Good luck on your journey! And let me know if you find any creamers that are actually somewhat healthy.


Miralee said...

You know they need to come up with an organic one...we should create one, we could go on Oprah for her show "Mom's making millions!"

I am right with you about the creamers with all the junk in them, it's hard to let go when they taste so yummy! If I see anything worth mentioning I will let you know. In regards to the popcorn I think that I am going to start making it the old fashioned way, on the stove! SUPER YUMMY!

Melanie said...

Personally, I think the flavored non-dairy creamers taste gross. It's one of the few things that are bad for you that I actually don't like. One of the only things.

So what is it about the popcorn that is bad for you? Is it the microwaving and if so should we not be using the microwave? Or is it the crap that is in the popcorn? Because Meijer now sells an organic microwave popcorn that has not hydrog in it.

AHHHHH! I know your frustration well. I have two kids who have been raised on all that crap and I'm trying to wean them off it without being their dad's "mean wife" ;)

Miralee said...

I think the bad part in the microwave popcorn is the fumes that come from the flavored butter, or something along those lines. I guess you are not supposed to inhale it as it's coming out of the microwave or maybe as you are opening the bag.

The once case that I read about said that the guy used to inhale the smell when he would open the bag because he loved the smell of the butter?? Who know....