10 September 2007

A Great Weekend!

Karl and I had our 2nd official date night which actually extended into a date weekend! Karl's mom came down Friday for the weekend, we had our now traditional Chinese food from I have to say the most awesome restaurant. Saturday was our day at the orchard....soo fun!

Later that afternoon we packed up Max and headed out to the camper (they have a 5th wheel they parked at a local campground near us for the season), for an over-night evening with Mom-Mom (that is what Karl's mom prefers to be called.)

Karl and I went out for a night of dinner and drinks and we came home and got some much needed "us" time, as well as some sleep! HE HE!

We were planning on picking Max up the next morning but thought we might need just a little more alone time so we called up Mom-Mom to check on Max and they were doing great so we headed down to the Cape...Cape May that is and we had a great day! We checked out one of the local lighthouses, strolled around through the cute stores (got a few Christmas presents for family!), and we went for two long walks on the beach, oh and we had a yummy lunch at a place called The Ugly Mug. Here is a shot of us being all happy and baby free on the beach.

Don't get me wrong, missed Max tremendously but it was nice to just be a wife again for a little while, we both laughed and said that we felt like we were dating all over again! Soooooo much fun!


Melanie said...

How far is Cape May from your house?

Miralee said...

It is about 50 minutes...it's not a bad drive at all. We had a great time. I don't think that Karl really enjoys shopping but he put up with it for me! What a guy right! LOL!