26 September 2007


Yes this is my 3rd post of the day - I told you have I have way to much time on my hands! But I was just reading Mel's blog page and it struck me of how lucky I am to have such good friends.

Most, wait, ALL of my friends are back in Michigan but I am so blessed to have you all. I know that I am horrible about calling, I mean really horrible but you all have such a special place in my heart! Each one of you has special meanings for me and although I don't get to see you please know that you are locked up inside of me filling me with joy every day. Just thinking about all the times that I have had with each one of you gets me through the day - which sometimes is a really long day!! LOL!
This may be hormones talking but who cares right! I think that the world would be a little bit nicer place to live in if people told those around them that they cared and that they were appreciated. SOOOO please know that you all are loved and appreciated by me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that you all are probably going to kill me but here are a few pics of my good friends...this is not all by any means, just a few! I am prego in this picture by the way!


The Nut House... said...

Keurig... I say as I point my finger to the right side of your blog like you can see it...

I actually got to use one of these at work the other day! OMG, want to talk way cool... it is the coolest thing ever. When you lift up that lever to put in your pod, it is heavy... you know it isn't a cheap piece of plastic. It was so cool to use it... it makes me want to get one even more!!!

p.s. love your blog posting. You are so interesting...

sign me a "blurker". lol

Melanie said...

Hubba Hubba. Look at all those pretty girls :)

Miralee said...

Thanks Nuthouse...I think you are pretty cool to. If you are a blurker than I am as well because I check your blog daily! Thank Mel, I guess you could say that she introduced us!!