12 September 2007

A slight bump in the road...

Last night was a rocky one by all means. Let me explain....

Monday night Max decided that he was not going to go to sleep till around 11 pm or so, which normally I am pretty used to, I think to myself he will sleep till about 2 or 2:30 am and that gives me 3 hours or so of much needed sleep (give or take a few mintes). Well Mr. Max woke up at 12:45 am, giving me less than 2 hours of sleep....so I trudge into his room, bumping into the wall as I drag my 5oo lb legs and try my best to soothe back to sleep.

An hour (yes I said an hour) later he gently falls back into sleep, 1/2 hour later he wakes up and realizes wait I am starving, feed me. So now I trudge from the nice, comfy, warm bed to the kitchen and again back to his room - literally half asleep all the while wondering how am I going to hold up his bottle?? I give him his nice warm milk and another HOUR later he falls back asleep. Ok let's re-group...it is now 3:30 am and I have had approximately 2 hours of sleep (give or take a few...). I trudge back to afore mentioned bed and instantly fall asleep...at 4:45 am Mr. Max once again wakes up and my loving husband gets up to take care of him this time, they go lay out on the couch for a little bonding time while I desperately try to get one more hour of sleep. Ok here is the real clincher.....he did it all again last night. Needless to say Mommy had something you would call a nervous break down - crying and the whole bit.

I guess sleep really is a necessity. And you know what so is coffee!! Remember this posting Mel is you ever decide to cross over to the "sometime" dark side of having a baby!


Melanie said...

Just be glad you didn't have to get up and go to work the next morning!

Melanie said...

PS Hang in there - it'll get better. You haven't even gotten to the wonderful world of cereal yet, right?

The Nut House... said...

Dearest friend that I barely know... Ah yes, the joy of a hangover, w/o having touched a drop of alcohol.

1. It will get better. Trust me.

2. The more he gets up and you run in there trying to keep the peace, he realizes, "Hmmm. I cry, she runs." The one most important thing that any child should ever learn is HOW TO FALL BACK TO SLEEP BY HIMSELF.

Think about it this way... You know how sometimes you get up at a certain time, to use the bathroom, or you just wake up for some odd reason. Then the next night you do it around the same time... Well, your body clock becomes used to this, and keeps waking you up at that time. Currently, my body clock is set for 6:22 am. I wake up every day at that time for some odd reason... until I break this cycle.

So! If you know he has a clean diaper, and shouldn't be hungry at this time, maybe peek in there to check on him, but don't pick him up. See if he can sooth himself back to sleep.

It's a HARD thing to do because it's natural for a mother to want to sooth their child (just wait till your in the grocery store and you start to rock back and forth because someone ELSES child starts crying!)

Miralee said...

Thank you! He did much better last night...as well as I!