29 September 2007

Breaking News....

You all are not going to believe this but Mr. Max rolled over the other day! I know, crazy huh! I don't really think that he meant to...he was kicking his legs like crazy being all cute and smiley and all of a sudden he rolled over on his side and then a few more kicks and he was all the way over...it was so cute to see his face. I don't think he knew quite what to do. He just sat there for a second and looked around, it was like "wait this is a new view!!". So cute!

The other great thing is that Mr. Max slept from 10:30 pm to 4:30 am this morning! Hallelujah! AND then he went back to sleep and slept until 7 am this morning!! SO GREAT!!!! Now if I can just keep him doing that!!

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