28 September 2007

Sleepy but Smiley

Here is installment #3 of Max. This was taken at about 3:30 am this morning just after he had taken his bottle and I was getting ready to change his diaper. He was all smiles and then as soon as I turn on the camera he gets all shy, like his transfixed with it. It's kind of dark but you can still see his big smiles pretty good!


Wrathall Family said...

You are an ambitious one bringing out the video recorder at 3:30am!!! What a cutie you have..I just want to kiss him! He sure does look like his Daddy..but I see Momma in there too!

The Nut House... said...

Nope. Couldn't be mad about getting up at 3:30 am, to wake up to that face. What a cutie pie. He is absolutely a treasure.

FYI... if you change him, THEN feed him... he will cruise back to sleep faster for you. For those... "I drank a bottle of wine" nights. lol.

Miralee said...

Sometimes I don't have the option of changing him 1st...he is notorious for going poo just after I have changed him OR if I am really lucky WHILE I am changing him!! LOL!