Could it be that some of you are not acquainted with the story of Rudolph? Well pull up an ice block and lend an ear.
29 September 2007
Spin & Explore...
Bath Time...
A Reading Fool...
Looking forward to the next book!! Or should I say "books"!
Breaking News....
The other great thing is that Mr. Max slept from 10:30 pm to 4:30 am this morning! Hallelujah! AND then he went back to sleep and slept until 7 am this morning!! SO GREAT!!!! Now if I can just keep him doing that!!
Happy Halloween!
Last weekend Karl and I picked up a few pumpkins & Mums that his co-worker grows and there were so cute and pretty that I had to take a few pics! And yes I decorated them all by myself..he he...I didn't feel like cleaning them out so I just go creative with a sharpie!! HA HA!
28 September 2007
Sleepy but Smiley
Here is installment #3 of Max. This was taken at about 3:30 am this morning just after he had taken his bottle and I was getting ready to change his diaper. He was all smiles and then as soon as I turn on the camera he gets all shy, like his transfixed with it. It's kind of dark but you can still see his big smiles pretty good!
26 September 2007
The Book Club...
It's me again and I just wanted to add that my 1st official book club meeting went well. There were only 4 of us, I guess a few people backed out at the last minute but it was fun. It was nice to get out and meet some new people and have adult conversations...I am pretty proud of myself for remembering how to do that!!
For anyone that is interested I found this book club by using, you can basically search for any type of topic in your area. It's really kind of cool. That is also how I found The Little Yellow Duck Club for Max and I. One of the girls in the class also belongs to a scrap booking club...not sure if I am ready for that??
Too much time on my hands...
Yes that is my shirt Miss Magoo is wearing. I just want to add that I took this picture last Saturday and I had had a couple glasses of wine, which may be why I thought it was so funny not so much!
25 September 2007
Books, Books, Books...
The book is called "The Memory Keepers Daughter" and so far it is pretty good. I have added a new link on the side of the blog that I will showcase each book as I am reading it. I know that I have lots of friends and family that love to read as much as I do so hopefully you all will get some enjoyment as well! Wish me luck and happy reading!
21 September 2007
Precious Moments...
Dirty Jobs....
That my friends is one shot of the swiffer (Thank God for that!) of the living room...yes only one room. I usually have to use like 3 or 4 to get the whole house done. I have hard wood floors and I hate them!
20 September 2007
The Joys of Motherhood...
He got 4 shots, all in the leg and boy was he not happy. He did ok on the 1st one, started to get a little annoyed on the 2nd, started to whimper on the 3rd, and downright wailed on the 4th! Needless to say Mommy had a glass of wine when she got home because she was sooo stressed about it. Other than that he is doing great. He now weighs 12 lbs 10 ozs (75th percentile), and 24 inches long (60th percentile).
On a side note, and this may be because of the shots, but Mr. Max slept from 10 pm last night until 4 am this about a miracle! I woke up at 4 and could have run a marathon - I felt like Rip Van Winkle waking from a long nap!! I would love to say that this is the start of a beautiful tradition but I have a feeling that we will be back to sleepless nights again very soon, BUT I will take what I can get!!
Tummy Time
Here is installment #2 of Mr. Max video diary. Could I sound more dorky in this video...I guess that is what happens when you become a mom! Oh well enjoy!
19 September 2007
Anyhue I have been a very loyal fan of Justin's since he left N'Sync and today I saw him perform live on Oprah's show and he was fantastic! I am happy to say that I am a fan of his. I feel that his music has moved on past his teen years and he is starting to mature...who cares that he is still like 15 years younger than me....I still love him! BTW Reba McEntire was on w/Kelly Clarkson and they were both phenomenal as well! All in all it was a great show!
18 September 2007
Mr. Max
I was fiddling around with the blog page and somehow deleted the original video so here it is again. So sorry!
Poor Little Magoo....
Karl took her so I wouldn't have to bundle up Max and I assumed that they would do x-rays off the bat - apparently that is not the case when it comes to animals. The vet told Karl that x-rays is typically the last thing that they will do in this particular situation. Because she doesn't seem to be wincing or whining when you touch her leg or when she walks on it he thinks that she may have just pulled a muscle so our little Magoo is on steroids for the next 2 weeks and we have to try and keep her immobile. That is like keeping the rain from falling down! After that if she is not better than we will do x-rays and if she is not better after that they bring in a ortho- something or other to take a look at her. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the steroids is all she needs.
On another note how awesome is it that I figured out how to post our little videos of Max! I am so happy that you all get to see Little Max in action! Enjoy!
17 September 2007
Video of Max....
15 September 2007
Just Hangin' Out...
A few of my favorite things...
First off I am 100% a girlie girl....always have been. I love make-up, hair products, clothes, shoes, purses, etc...the list goes on and on. In regards to make-up I have always been one of those people that have tons of it and probably only use a 1/4 of it...but it's so much fun to play with...for my birthday my mom bought me a set of the Bare Essentials kit and I was a little nervous of whether or not I would be loyal to it, you know not run out the very next week and buy something else but I LOVE IT!! I have never used minerals make up (although it is all the rage and my girlfriend Teresa has been using it for years - she is soooo smart!) but it really is so nice and smooth and EASY! The best part of all is it's really quick. I can just throw it on in like 5 minutes and Max doesn't even know I am gone. I have a few of the eye shadows that my sister gave me and they are fantastic! For anyone that is a make-up lover at heart like me you have to try it!! I have added a link to the blog...
The other thing that I am obsessed with lately is Pandora Jewelry. Our AWESOME FRIENDS Carl & Teresa bought me a bracelet with a charm on it for my birthday this past August and I just love it. Have yet to take it off!! They got me a really cute charm that has July's stone in it for Max....I can't wait to start adding to my collection!! There are so many cute one's and I want them all. The best part is that there is a great jewelry store right in town that carries just about the whole line. I am also adding that link to the blog....(this is the part where Karl pays attention! LOL! HINT HINT!).
Anyway, I am just waiting for Karl to get home from work because we are heading up to New York for the night. We have a baptism class we have to go to for Max and we are staying the night with the to everyone soon!
12 September 2007
A slight bump in the road...
Monday night Max decided that he was not going to go to sleep till around 11 pm or so, which normally I am pretty used to, I think to myself he will sleep till about 2 or 2:30 am and that gives me 3 hours or so of much needed sleep (give or take a few mintes). Well Mr. Max woke up at 12:45 am, giving me less than 2 hours of I trudge into his room, bumping into the wall as I drag my 5oo lb legs and try my best to soothe back to sleep.
An hour (yes I said an hour) later he gently falls back into sleep, 1/2 hour later he wakes up and realizes wait I am starving, feed me. So now I trudge from the nice, comfy, warm bed to the kitchen and again back to his room - literally half asleep all the while wondering how am I going to hold up his bottle?? I give him his nice warm milk and another HOUR later he falls back asleep. Ok let's is now 3:30 am and I have had approximately 2 hours of sleep (give or take a few...). I trudge back to afore mentioned bed and instantly fall 4:45 am Mr. Max once again wakes up and my loving husband gets up to take care of him this time, they go lay out on the couch for a little bonding time while I desperately try to get one more hour of sleep. Ok here is the real clincher.....he did it all again last night. Needless to say Mommy had something you would call a nervous break down - crying and the whole bit.
I guess sleep really is a necessity. And you know what so is coffee!! Remember this posting Mel is you ever decide to cross over to the "sometime" dark side of having a baby!
11 September 2007
5,000 down...
I also discovered with our cable that we get what's called "On Demand" and they have an exercise channel with free exercises shows you can watch....they have all kinds from yoga/Pilate's to quick workouts to dance (even belly dancing!), so I am going to really try to burn off the last 10 "Max" pounds before Turkey Day....of course I will probably gain it all back from that one single day! I would really actually like to lose 30 but I am starting out slow, maybe 30 by New Years! Here I come skinny jeans!!!!!!
10 September 2007
A Great Weekend!
Later that afternoon we packed up Max and headed out to the camper (they have a 5th wheel they parked at a local campground near us for the season), for an over-night evening with Mom-Mom (that is what Karl's mom prefers to be called.)
Karl and I went out for a night of dinner and drinks and we came home and got some much needed "us" time, as well as some sleep! HE HE!
We were planning on picking Max up the next morning but thought we might need just a little more alone time so we called up Mom-Mom to check on Max and they were doing great so we headed down to the Cape...Cape May that is and we had a great day! We checked out one of the local lighthouses, strolled around through the cute stores (got a few Christmas presents for family!), and we went for two long walks on the beach, oh and we had a yummy lunch at a place called The Ugly Mug. Here is a shot of us being all happy and baby free on the beach.
Don't get me wrong, missed Max tremendously but it was nice to just be a wife again for a little while, we both laughed and said that we felt like we were dating all over again! Soooooo much fun!
08 September 2007
Apple Pickin'....
Here is one from his bath last night. He was right in the middle of a huge yawn when we snapped this one!! Too cute!
07 September 2007
Popcorn Lung...
That means that just about everything I love in regards to food/drink if - not necessarily because of the caffeine but because of the really bad for me creamer that I like to put in it, chocolate - causes me to be fat, alcohol - obvious, sugary/starchy foods (potato, bread, Little Debbie's, etc.) - again causes me to be fat, there go the arteries....the list goes on and on. Since we have moved to "The Shore" I have been trying to eat more healthy. I have been trying to eat more vegetables, fresh not frozen, I have been trying to pay more attention to labels (bad high fructose corn syrup), and I have been trying to not be anything that is partially, fully, or whatever is hydrogenated (yeah for real butter - none of that tub or spray stuff, give me the real thing - I don't want to be 80 and still be walking around with fake butter in my veins from when I was 40!).
But my point after that little outburst is that I guess I have to try even harder....only popcorn on the stove for me! It's better that way anyway right? Who cares that it takes forever to make and that I have a newborn right???? LOL! Well for anyone that is interested in reading more about the popcorn lung here is a link to all the links that came up from my search...happy reading!