09 September 2008

A Virtual Makeover....

The Mary Kay Webiste now offers this fun tool called "Virtual Makeover". You can upload a picture of yourself and then play around with all the new mineral eye & cheek colors. You can also pick a new hairstyle, along with a hair color and highlights/lowlights....I decided to get on and try it out for myself.
Now I have to say I am a little nervous about posting my before pic because it's none to pretty (that was my warning, and if I hear one peep out of anyone I know where you all live!). But I thought my after pic turned out quite nice....thinking of even growing my hair out long again....what are all of your thoughts!


Unknown said...

WOW!!I really like it alot!

The Nut House... said...

WOW! I like it too!!! I LOVE the hair especially. You hot momma you, lol.