06 September 2008

Like A Fish....

Max loves the water. Which is one of the reasons we signed him up for lessons at the local community center...thanks for that great birthday gift Mom-Mom! This past Friday was his very first class and it was interesting.

On any normal day Max is up at pretty much 6, 6:15 am - like clockwork. This particular day Max slept until 7 am. I didn't even wake up until Karl's alarm went off at 7:40 am. If I would have used half of my brain I would have just got up and woke Max up. Knowing that his swim class started at 10 am and there is usually a pretty good chance he is still sleeping for his 1st nap at that time, I knew it was going to be cut short. BUT of course staying in bed got the better of me.

So around 8:30 am I dared to put Max down for his nap knowing that he probably would only get about a 1/2 hour of sleep. Well he sure put me to the test. He didn't sleep at all....nothing, not even for 10 minutes. At 9:10 am I finally went in and got him changed, got all of our stuff together and headed into town for our very first class.

By the time we got there and actually got in the pool he was then ready to go to sleep and was like saran wrap. Nothing I did made him want to let go of me. NOTHING. The instructor was not phased at all...she just kept encouraging me to get him in to his shoulders and just move around, eventually he would get used to everything. I wish that I could say I have a really cute picture of him at his first class BUT I don't. Sorry. BUT I do have some cute pictures from his bath tonight....

There are a few more but I don't think that Max would appreciate it if I showed the world his full glory! LOL!


Unknown said...

When is the next class? Is he getting to the cling-on stage? Did he ever let go of you?

Miralee said...

Yes he is in the cling"y" stage. Sunday he wanted nothing to do with Karl, I kind of felt bad....but he was fine with it. :)

He has swim class every friday at 10 am. This weekend we are going to miss it though because we are going up to NY for the weekend.