18 September 2008

A Miracle On Main St....

Main St. being the road that we live on.

A truly miraculous things happened yesterday. Max and I were playing in the living room and he was about due for his afternoon nap, which I might add his schedule is all out of whack since his 1st swim class, but I digress....

We were playing in the living room and Max was walking around with his blanket from his crib, looking scarily similar to Linus, (he was able to pull it through the rails), plus he was able to reach his Nuk a.k.a pacifier.....I could tell he was becoming a bit fussy so I casually mentioned that it might be about time for his nap. Here is where the miracle occurred...

Max looked at me, turned on a dime, like he was attending West Point, and high-tailed it to his room....here I am following behind him in absolute awe as he reaches his room, walks right up to his crib, grabs a rail, turns and looks at me like "what is taking you so long".

I change his diaper, plop him down in bed and out he goes. A true miracle my friends!


Unknown said...

See, he doesn't have to talk to tell you what he wants. He abviously knows what you are saying. Can't wait till Sunday, cause I know he will be in bed when I get there Sat.

The Nut House... said...

Crap. Now you have to start s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g everything, lol.

Miralee said...

I hear you Val. I am already saying shapes and colors to everything. I swear people think that I am crazy when we are out running errands....I have to admit if I was out I saw myself with him I woudl laugh at myself!

Melanie said...

How cute is that?! I can totally picture it.

The Nut House... said...

Oh yes, he will be in the lunch line at school saying, "Um yes, I will have the triangular, red pizza, a rectangular White Milk, and some circle green peas, please." lol

Joyous JRo said...

Love it!!