22 April 2008

Easy Recipes....Happy Mommy!

It seems that deciding what to make for dinner is always a debacle. BUT last night we had a great dinner that was sooooo easy to make I didn't even feel like I made dinner at all.

I bought a seasoning packet by McCormick that is specifically made for slow cookers....it was for a pulled pork sandwich. Let me tell you it was so easy!!

You just toss in your boneless pork roast, 1/2 cup ketchup, 1/2 cup packed brown sugar, 1/3 cup of cider vinegar, and last but not least the seasoning packet. You cook it on low for at least 8 hours and then ka-baam. Nice, juicy, yummy, lip smacking pulled pork samitches! I also made homemade potato salad. It was a great combo!

Even had it again for dinner tonight. Got to love recipes that are great the 1st night and then even better the 2nd night!


Unknown said...

sounds good, so I guess you didn't need my cooking advice after all. Has Max showed any signs of the flu?

Miralee said...

Yeah I figured it out!

And no Max seems to have missed out on the bug...which I am SOOOO thankful for!!

The Nut House... said...

It sounds DELICIOUS!!! I will have to make that asap!