08 April 2008

Too Cute For Words...

I decided to go back and add some text to go along with these pics. They are just too funny not to give more info!

In this first pic Max had just demolished a teether biscuit. For anyone that has small children, or had small children you know what happens to these things as soon as they touch saliva. This little tiny cookie a.k.a biscuit, turned to mush as soon as Max got it even near his mouth. He had quite the grand time with it and as you can see he was none too thrilled when I finally had to take it away because there was really nothing more to chew on.

This next picture Max was exploring and I just happened to have one of the hats I crocheted for myself lying around so on Max it went. It was way to big for him and from some angles he looked like a little Rastafarian....LOL! On another note, check out spooky cat eyes from Trigger in the background....he is quickly becoming Max's favorite target! Much to his dismay I am sure!!

And finally here is Max sharing toys with Magoo. I know, I know, I am going to be hit with a barrage of "germ" comments but I tell you I am tired of trying to get every Magoo toy out of his mouth 5 million times a day. Those two, being Max & Magoo are a pair. Often they don't want anything to do with certain toys until they see the other one playing with it. It's like they are brother & sister. Max was playing with his real toys when I glanced over at him and here he was crawling around with this one hanging from his cute little mouth! I just about fell over laughing....I just didn't have the heart to take it away from him when he was having so much fun! Believe it or not he was smiling when I took this picture....take a close look at his mouth and you can see the edges are upturned....hilarious!!


Unknown said...

I can't believe how much he looks like a Russ in those pictures. What was he mad about in the high chair? I can't wait to get my hands on him, but I think I might have to take a back seat to Aunt Jenny, cause she really can't wait.

The Nut House... said...

Memories.... from the corner of my mind.. I think that is how it goes. OMG, we used to make hats for the babies, out of WHATEVER was laying around. When Dennis came home from work in the morning, he would sit and have "Emmie" time. He would take her little pants, and put them on her head, lol. She would sit on his lap, facing him (she was REALLY LITTLE, I'M talking baby small) and they would play and laugh, and laugh. I have so many pictures. And looking at Max totally reminds me of that. Thanks for sharing.

Melanie said...

Isn't dog saliva supposed to be sterile or something like that?

That is one adorable kid you've got there. Those eyes!

Miss you miss you miss you!

Miralee said...

Miss you too Mel. I can't wait for May to hurry up and get here!!!