26 October 2008

Remembering When...

I have recently decided to take the plunge onto Facebook. Over the last year I have received numerous invitations to join as someones "friend" and have always just skimmed over the invites, but I FINALLY took the plunge and signed up, more or less our of curiosity.
I instantly had a handful of friends, some from here in New Jersey and some from Michigan. I also connected with two very special friends that I have known for a very long time. Nicole and Alexa. These two lovely ladies are two girls that I have known since I was 11 years old. Sadly I have not seen them since my wedding, but I am so blessed that they were able to come!

Nicole, Alexa, and I were truly the Three Musketeers growing up. We did everything together. Nicole and I lived right across the street from each other and Alexa lived about a mile or so down so as you can imagine we were constantly on our bikes riding all over the place, most of the time we would meet at Nicole's house because she had this great finished basement where we could pretty much do anything without being disturbed - because you know at age 11 you know it all and want nothing to do with parents. :)

If I only had the time and energy to tell you all about the stories that the three of us have been through together I would but that is not the reason for my post. As I was on Facebook a few minutes ago I realized, with a slight tug on my heart, that I miss those girls. I miss those innocents times that we used to spend with each other and I really regret not being a better friend to each of them as life drew us farther apart. We have been in contact with each other sporadically and as I said I was blessed that they were able to come to my wedding but I sometimes I wish for the time back when your best friend was just across the street and you always knew where to go when you were down in the dumps and needed to smile, or if you just wanted to be silly and play barbies, or go swimming, or just anything. :)

I just found out that Nicole got a new advertising account exec. position, and Alexa eloped in San Francisco! I wish that I could rewind time and been there for both of those exciting times but I can't so I am just hoping from this point on we can all re-connect and build those ties strong again!

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

Wow, do I ever know what you mean! Katrina and I lost contact for over 21 years! To look at her wedding photos, was a double edge sword. She was an amazingly beautiful bride, and I wasn't there to see it. Her mother was an amazing person, and I wasn't there for Katrina when her mom died.

I am so glad that we are back in touch, however I vow to never lose contact again.

I am happy to report that although Mel and I did lose contact for a short time, we did reconnect shortly before she left for Anderson.

Regardless... I LOVE FACEBOOK!