13 October 2008

Motivated And Ready To Work....

Every Sunday night I get to plug in with my director (who lives in Virginia btw...) to do conference calls. Typically these calls are all training related, one week we did training on team building, some weeks it's about how to get better and booking & selling, last night was by far my favorite!

We did a full hour on balancing Motherhood and Working...and I am so ready to work! My director is my mentor, she is such an amazing woman and I strive to be like her. She is a such a Godly woman, fantastic mother, an amazing wife, and she is very successful with her business. Where she is at is what I am working for. She has been working the business for 15 years, is on her 3rd Pink Cadillac and is a Million Dollar Director.

She had so many great tips last night that I don't think I could possibly fit them all in but one of the things she said was that if you need to get some things done and your kids are just not letting you, get up a 1/2 hour early each day and you will be amazed at what you can get done in just 30 minutes. Boy was she right! Now Max usually is up by 6:30 to 7:00 am every day - like clockwork - and the idea of getting up earlier than that does not really bode well with me but I am determined to be successful so I thought I should just try it. Last night I set my alarm for 6 am sharp, wincing a bit as I hit the save button....

But this morning when my alarm went off I jumped right out of bed, turned on the coffee and got to it. First and foremost I spent a few minutes reading my bible. This has been a goal of mine since I have never read it all the way through and I am so proud of myself for sticking to it. I also threw a load of laundry in, did the dishes, and balanced my checkbook. These are all things that virtually seem impossible to do when Max the Monster is running around.

I was also able to sit down and plan out my day....what errands I need to make, what calls need to be done, and so on. I am so glad that I listened to my director and at least tried it...I am ready to tackle the day!! On my way to my Pink Cadillac!

Which I would like to say by the way that I have had a couple of amazing weeks...in the last two weeks I have sold $456.27. I am working the business very, very, very part time, usually only 1 or 2 classes a week. Last week I had one class and one facial - after I did my 60/40 split I made $182.50 for doing 6 hours of work. Woo-Hoo! I love this job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karl was thrilled too because I was able to pay extra on the credit card - which always makes him happy. LOL! I am so excited because this coming weekend I am going on a Fall Retreat for Mary Kay and I just cannot wait to soak in as much information as I can!!!


The Nut House... said...

I too love to get up before the kids. I get my coffee going, and turn on GMA, or the news. I don't get as much accomplished as you do, but I do enjoy my few minutes of time before their feet hit the floor.

Good job on your business. Don't you LOVE doing this?! It is one of the most fun things I do.

Miralee said...

This morning I did not get as much done...I was a little sleepy, pretty much got my shower and 1/2 a cup of coffee before Max was up...but it was nice to take a shower and not rush it!!

Melanie said...

I'm way too obsessed with sleep. I'm lucky if I don't snooze 7 times.

Miralee said...

I know now you feel, but it's also nice to have 30 minutes to yourself. I have gotten to the point that I would give up the 1/2 hour of sleep for 30 minutes just for myself!! LOL!