15 October 2008

My Secret Past...

Since Mel to very blatantly "outed" me on her blog I have divulge my secret.

I am extremely clumsy. And I mean EXTREMELY CLUMSY. I cannot stress that enough. It was a long standing joke in high school and that every other week I was going to be hurt in some way or another. Let me just give you a couple examples....

#1: I can't remember if this was my freshman or sophomore year but regardless I did a doozy on my hand. We had one of those new fangled stoves that were flat, the burner was built right in. When it was hot it was red, the bad thing about it was once it was turned off the color went away very quickly even when it was still hot. Here I am helping my mom brings in the groceries and I have 2-3 bags in each hand, well I set my first set on the counter and for whatever reason put my hand on the stove to balance myself out as I pulled up the other set of bags (they were heavy), and yes you guessed it the stove was hot and I ended up with 3rd degree burns on my right palm. All of my fingers, and the inside of my whole palm - immediately it blistered up and I was crying like a baby! Long story short I had to go to emergency and basically wear a big mitten of bandages for about a week as the new skin grew in....let me tell you that was not fun and boy did it hurt!

#2: Again can't remember which year this was but we had an old wood burner so part of our chores during the summer were to help stack and split wood. Hated that btw....but one particular week my sister and I were out there chugging along and I was carrying two big round pieces that hadn't been cut yet, imagine the scene in Dirty Dancing where the guy is carrying two watermelons - that was me. But anyway I am walking along and apparently trip over air because to this day I have no idea what it was I tripped over and bam. Flat on my face, with a nice skid mark of wood up the left side of my face. That was pretty. I can remember going into school, and one of my teachers saying to me "oh that is going to scar", nice. Thanks Mrs. Faust. Luckily she was wrong....:)

There are countless other stories that I could share but really, is it necessary. I don't think so. I think that I pretty much had an injury for every year of high school and they really haven't stopped. I am constantly running into things, tripping over nothing, and basically just being as clumsy as possible.

And I will have you know that I also did the exact thing that Mel did at work about a year ago and ripped a HUGE whole in a new pair of pants. Love those pants too! But now you know my dirty little secret....LOL!


Unknown said...

Like Mother, Like Daughter.

The Nut House... said...

I too, am called Grace. Today I went to a knee specialist for what I believe is an old injury... and I mean old.

In 1993, I went out on a date with a cute guy from work. That night it was freezing rain out when he dropped me off. I was sprinting across the front lawn and WHAM! Right into a wrought iron address sign that was stuck in the front yard. I flew up OVER the sign, landing face first into the lawn... and he saw the whole thing. He was laughing so hard he could barely help me into the house.

The next day I went into work with a knee immobilizer. Imagine how that went over!

Melanie said...

I was thinking about the time you fell right on your butt in the middle of the hallway when we were in between classes in high school.

You're the only thing about high school I miss!