04 May 2010

Love, Love, Love Yoga!

In case you didn't catch that I LOVE yoga.

Last Christmas while playing the Wii with my mom I was informed by the "voice" in the Wii that I was only 10 pounds away from my ideal weight. Of course in my head I imagined myself much bigger and that I thought I should lose much more than that. BUT I decided to actually try and lose the last 10 pounds of my baby weight, so when we got home I started exercising.

I did something almost every morning...aerobics, walking on the treadmill, pilates, and yoga. Not long after I started I realized that I was really enjoying the yoga more than any other exercise. I started doing it every day...and loving it even more. I subsribed to Yogajournal.com, as well as the a subscription to the magazine, basically became obsessed over it. I started reading everything I could, buying books, etc. And I still LOVE it! I go to two different classes each week ~ they are both amazing teachers! I learn something from both of them each time I go...Thank you to my teachers!

At first I didn't feel like I was losing any weight, nothing was changing, all my clothes were fitting the same but then it seemed like overnight NONE of my clothes fit. I was suddenly searching all over for a belt, which I haven't needed in a long time. One day I decided to go and try some pants on. I thought I would try on an 8 and just pray that they would zip up - to my amazement I could almost pull them off without unzipping them...so I wandered back out and grabbed a 6 and even more to my amazement they FIT!!!!!!! I have not wore a size 6 in a very LONG, LONG, LONG time. Karl even noticed that I had lost weight...he told me I looked skinny.

Now it's not even about the weight, (btw I have lost 8 pounds), I enjoy practicing my yoga everyday (or atleast almost every day...) and learning how to ground myself and just breathe. Yoga has not only helped me go down three pant sizes it is helping me be a better Mom, a better Wife, a better Human in general. I find myself thinking about my practice all the time; find myself doing poses at different times of the day; trying to perfect my posture, standing in Mountain Pose to ground myself if I get frustrated; while playing with Max I do Down Dog so he thinks I am flying over him...I just can't get enough.

Last night I was talking to the instructor letting her know that I would be missing next Monday's class because of my trip to Michigan and she informed me that she thought I was ready to go up to the next level, a more challanging class...that made me feel so happy. I can't wait to get back and see what new things I can learn!!!! Namaste!


Melanie said...

Oh yeah. That's awesome!

The Nut House... said...

Princess needs to switch her wii she, to a wii he. He is much nicer.

BTW... I believe we are witnessing the beginning of a new Yoga Instructor. Namaste.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Good for you. Yoga rocks. BTW there are 2 great yoga places in brighton if you wish to partake while you're in town (if you still are) Keep up the good work.