21 May 2010

Not a stellar moment for me...

Lately Max has been not wanting to use the potty. He was doing soooo great, well at least when it came to going pee, not so much on the other end... lol!

Anyway the last couple of days he really has been fighting me. Whenever I tell him it's time to go he screams, throws things, etc. Alway entertaining he is....so this morning he was doing his usual ~ screaming, yelling and even some tears. As this is going on he runs out of the bathroom, naked of course.

I can feel myself starting to lose my cool, I have already been deep breathing for about 10 minutes at this point and can feel that it's not working. As I see him running away all I SEE is RED. I kind of do a loud (really loud) Monster voice and say "MMMMAAAAAXXXXX".

He stops dead in his tracks in the hallway...turns around to look at me and starts to scream. But scream in a bad crying way. He runs back to the bathroom and says, with a look up ut-most terror I might add, "Mommy scared me, Mommy scared Max....." and wailing ensued.

I felt horrible. Like the lowest human being EVER! I just scooped him up and held him and told him over and over how sorry I was. He just kept telling me how I scared him ~ over and over again. I am dung at this point...really old stinky dung. I walk into his bedroom and keep telling him over and over again how I didn't mean to scare him. I try to explain that I was upset and was trying to get his attention (usually he loves it when I do crazy voices, but I guess I sounded a bit TOO monster'ish). So I told him again that I was so sorry and I wouldn't do it again and he just looks up at me with his big ole' blue eyes and says, "ok mommy, ok".

Yah....a big ole pile of dung, that is me. 


Miralee said...

You are a good mother, everyone has their breaking point. At least you got his attention. He knows mommy loves him.

Miralee said...

His attention I soooo did get....I just feel so bad he was so upset.