20 May 2010

A New Seat...

This morning I went for a ride on my brand new bicycle...it was beautiful out. The sun was just rising the birds were chirping and I was ready.

However a few minutes after I started out I was dying...and not because of what you think. The seat was killing me. I don't know who invented those seats but they obviousley did not ride on them before hand. It felt like I was riding on a piece of cement that was just shaped like a seat. I ended up doing 2 miles and thought I was not going to be able to walk when I got off the thing...love the bike - hate the seat.

I will be making a trip to the store very, very soon so that I can get something a tad more comfortable, otherwise my bike will be gathering dust in the basement because that was pure torture.


The Nut House... said...

Lol, welcome to the club. I ended up getting a gel seat for my bike. Gawd, remember the seats on ten speed bikes?! Those were worse!

Melanie said...

You can buy bike shorts with a padded butt and crotch. I know this because my husband bought himself a pair and wore them once. He said it felt like wearing a diaper.

So on second thought, buy the new seat!