17 February 2010

Not quite what I had in mind....

This last night has been an interesting one. Let me preface it by saying that I am sitting on the bathroom floor with Karl's laptop drinking my coffee.....here is the why.

Max is still nursing his cold. It has now traveled from his nose to his chest and he is coughing, which I hope means that it is on it's way out the door because I am over him being sick. It's really starting to affect my social life.

Emma for didn't wake up for her 3 am feeding, which normally would be fantastic but she work up at 5:30 am and was all about eating then as well as playing and cooing/talking.

My mom and step-dad are staying in our in-laws 5th wheel camper (we keep it here over the winter so they don't have to pay for it on their camping site down here), we call his Nana and Papa's winter vacation home. Well the propane tank ran out about 3 am this morning, which means they no longer had heat. Papa Jim was all snuggled up with Izzaboo (their black lap and Magoo's sister) which meant that Nana no longer had any room in the bed. So she came in the house and is sleeping on the couch.

Since all of the hullabaloo I was not able to get my work out in, hoping to squeeze some time in later today. I truly embraced "fat tuesday" yesterday. On a side note I am giving up ice cream for Lent....that is a whole 'nother story. :)

So here I sit in the bathrooom, now with my annoying fat cat....drinking my coffee and listening to her purr. I guess it could be worse, she could puke on me. :)


Melanie said...

Are you talking about Trigger? I thought Trigger was a boy.

Hope Max is feeling better soon. Hang in there.

The Nut House... said...

Ahhh the joys. Well, I hate to admit it but one of our bathrooms gets really warm in the morning, so I could actually see myself doing exactly the same thing... minus all of the other crap that you have suffered through. :(

Miralee said...

Mel - technically he is a boy but we call him a he sometimes and a she somtimes....since he is neutered he is kind of in between. :)

Val - it was actually quite peaceful. :)