03 February 2010

Getting it together....

A few posts ago I was asking how people kept their houses clean and what things they did to keep it that way and a good friend suggested this AWESOME website to gave GLORIOUS ideas about how to clean your house and KEEP it that way.

The site is called http://www.flylady.net/ and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! It's all about cleaning your house in zones and doing 15 minutes of decluttering each morning, as well suggestions on deep cleaning. I have been doing it now for the last few days and it is wonderful. I don't have that CHAOS feeling (she calls it CAN'T HAVE ANYONE OVER SYNDROME) anymore.
Obviously with two kids there are still toys around and because my husband is also a big kid he has items laying around as well. BUT my house is probably cleaner and more organized than it has been in a long time. One of the great things about this site is that you don't have to clean your house all day long EVERY day...it's all about babysteps and taking a little bit at one time. That really eliminated the overwhelming feeling I would get every time I wanted to clean. I never knew where to start so most of the time I just didn't. Now I feel empowered to do just a little bit and be OK with it.

For anyone out there that is "cleaning" challanged like me I truly suggest you check out this site! Thanks so much Val for sharing the info....I truly appreciate it!