05 August 2008

Product of the Month...

I don't know about you ladies out there but my hands are always dry....now that The Rudolph's have moved to good ole New Jersey we are without our handy-dandy dishwasher. Needless to say my hands have taken a beating since arriving on The East Coast.

But Mary Kay has solved my problems with their Satin Hands Pampering Set. This set helps hands feel renewed, soothed, and pampered. The set includes Satin Hands Satin Smoothie Hand Scrub, Extra Emollient Night Cream, and Satin Hands Hand Cream in a cute little Peach Colored Bag. It sells for $30 and let me tell you it's worth it!

My sister is a nail technician and once she tried this set she decided to start using it on all of her clients. She even comment to me once that it's better than any other hand product she has found....she even uses it on her clients feet for their pedicures- it's that good!
This month only when you purchase The Satin Hands Set I will throw in a purse size lotion for free! Remember ladies I always offer free shipping so get on my website and check out all that I have to offer!!

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

I LOVE this set. I actually received one recently when I did a party with a Mary Kay rep. That gritty stuff you use to slough off dead skin. OMG, gals, when you finish with the "set", your hands feel as soft as butter. AND I'M NOT kidding.

Trust me when I tell you -IT IS THAT GOOD.