20 January 2010

Silence is golden...

Not long after we got back from our harried trip to Michigan I decided that I was going to start getting up before everyone and have some time to myself.

Most mornings I try to work out. Either by doing walking on the treadmill, or I do some exercise programs on Comcast, or I use the Wii....my goal is to lose 10 lbs, (which would put me at my ideal weight for my height) and would put me to what I weighed before all the kiddies came along. I have realized that I don't treat my body as well as I treat my children's. I am very thoughtful about what goes into there little bodies but don't always follow the same path when it comes to mine.

For the last few weeks I have been getting up at 6 am, only missed a few days here and there and it feels great. When I was younger I was always a morning person...my Dad still laughs about how I used to get up at 5 or 6 am and go into the living room and turn on the TV but with no sound because I didn't want to wake anybody up. So there I was sitting in the living room watching cartoons with no sound. As I aged (ugh doesn't that sound terrible) I came to enjoy sleep more and more. Then after the kids came I REALLY enjoyed sleep.

But it is worth it to me to get up early and lose maybe an hour more of sleep I could get to enjoy some time to myself. As many of you read in my previous post I have been a little off-kilter and I want to say thank you to all amazing friends and family that offered kind words of advice and just helping me see that I really am NOT crazy...well kind of. LOL!

This morning I happen to be sitting here enjoying my coffee. I didn't work out this morning but I did an hour yesterday so I am taking a day off, my legs are about to go on strike, and just vegging on the computer.

Have a wonderful, peaceful day to all of you!

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

Wow! MUCH BETTER FRAME OF MIND! I have to admit I am definitely more of a morning person than a night person. I would rather go to bed at 9 and wake up early, than to stay up late and sleep in. There is nothing better than the peace of the morning, a warm cup of coffee in hand, and the sound of sleeping children. Ahhh life is good.

FYI... 10 pounds? UGH. I need to lose the weight of a second grader!