30 October 2009

For tonight's entertainment...

Let me present you with a recap of my night.....

10 pm: Went to bed, of course couldn't sleep. Might have been the 8-10 cups of coffee I had throughout the day ~ of course couldn't have made it through the day without them ~ it's vicious cycle.

2:45 am: Wake up and feed Emma...
3:00 am: Still Feeding Emma...
3:15 am: Stilllllll feeding Emma...
3:40 am: Back in bed...

4:00 am: Can't fall back asleep.....already thinking about coffee.....

5:40 am: Must have fallen asleep because I awake to the cat hurling and regurgitating his dinner all over the house - thank God for my loving husband because I just don't do cat puke very well....

6:15 am: Pitter Patter of little feet..."mommy, mommy 'ake up, 'ake up." Pretend like I am asleep so Karl can take him back into his room....
6:17 am: Pitter Patter of little feet ~ anyone sensing a pattern here~Repeat two more times.....

6:45 am: Got up and out of bed....why even bother at this point. Bring on the coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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