16 December 2008

MOST--The Bridge

This has the most amazing message. Please take a minute to watch.


Unknown said...

I cried.

The Nut House... said...

How did you get this on your blog? They took out the blogger button that made it SO easy!

The Nut House... said...

Ok so I posted the above comment before watching the video. It was heart wrenching to watch, but let me tell you... Message Received!

Miralee said...

I got the orginal clip from an e-mail my mom sent me so I searched on YouTube and found it on there. When I clicked on it to watch the "B" button was still there under "share". I just clicked that and then it let me post it to my blog. :)

It's an absolutely amazing video...at the end I was holding my breath because I was crying so hard. After I watched this Max had woke up from his nap and all I could do was hold him.....I am tearing up now just thinking about it.

The Nut House... said...

Looking forward to seeing Christmas pic's soon! Hope your family had a wonderful Christmas and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!