13 October 2010

On a mission...

I am a pro. A pro at procrastinating. I always have these grand ideas of how I am going to stay organized and be able to find the things I want, finish the projects I am working as well as keeping my house clean. It never really seems to happen. Usually what happens is I start a project then halfway through it I start doing something else and before I know it I have three things I am working on and none of them get finished.  My house has become a bigger mess than what it was.

The room that usually gets hits the hardest is always our bedroom. It's the easiest place to stash things if we have are having people over...I can just close the door. It's usually the last room that I manage to get too when I am cleaning. I almost always can whip together the kitchen & living room, the kids rooms  - well they are kids room, I try not to stress to much about that. What is supposed to be our place of sanctuary somehow ends up being the laundry room, the place for spare mail/junk mail and who knows what else.

This morning I spent almost 2 hours trying to get our room organized and I am sad to say I am not quite done but I did make a serious dent. I DID  manage to throw a bunch of junk away and also got a bag together to donate to the Goodwill. On a side note I decided to count all my shoes - 71 to be exact. I think I may have a problem. Half of them are adorable heels that are not really suitable to chasing a 3-yr old and 1-yr old around....But at least the closest is now organized and I can see my clothes AND all 71 pairs of my shoes.

I am going to try and keep this streak going and get to the kids rooms later this week. Kind of scary as I am not sure what I will find nestled in Max's toy box OR Emma's closet but I am on a mission!

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

LOL!!! My room is my mission either tonight before bed, or tomorrow as soon as the kids are off to school. I have little piles of folded clothes EVERYWHERE but where they should be... in drawers. lol

Glad to see I'm not the only one.