24 June 2010

Foiled, Thwarted, Balked.....

What's with my title you say?? These are all words that mean Frustrated. Which is exactly what I was yesterday. Before I spill my whole story let me backtrack by going back to Monday afternoon.

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday at 3 pm. Why I made it for that time I have no clue but regardless I had no babysitter so the kiddies went with me. I stocked up with snacks, juice and the like in hopes that I would be able to keep them under control.

I arrived about 5 minutes early, as I usually do for most appointments and proceeded to sit and pray....pray that my little munchkins would continue to play nice. Things were going good but after about 30 minutes Max started to get a little rambunctious - I won't go into the gory details but as any of you that have kids can surely imagine. I managed to keep him restrained for a bit with a few books but as another 30 minutes went by he was no longer interested in the books. At that time Emma decided that she was tired (which was only fair considering she should technically be sleeping), and started doing this half cry and then started to outright wail on and off.

After another 20 minutes and the fact that I thought I was going to LOSE my mind I went up to the counter and told the lady that I needed to reschedule. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "would you like me to see how much longer", I looked at her like SHE was crazy and said, "not unless they are waiting at that door right now to call me". She managed to reschedule my appointment for Wednesday at 4:45 pm. I gathered up my munchkins and took off.

So last night I put the kiddies in Daddy's control and left for my NEW appointment. Got there again about 5 minutes early (of course forgot the awesome book that I am reading) and started reading a couple of magazines....Fast Forward an HOUR AND 15 MINUTES - I grabbed the nurse when she came out to call someone else and said "do you know how much longer because I am only here for my depo shot ?!?!?!?!?(depo provera - a.k.a  birth control) She said, "let me see, I will be right back." I just want to mention that at this time I was the LAST person sitting in the waiting room. I also want to mention that 3 women that came in AFTER me were already taken in and 1 of them had left already. I was boiling, I mean lava hot boiling.

Another 5 minutes goes by and she finally calls me back, does my weight, and take me into a room....another 5 minutes and the doctor FINALLY comes in, give me my shot and says "oh I am so sorry  you had to wait, just tell them next time what you are here for and they will get your right in???? WTF! What is the point of making an appointment if you are going to take every other person in before me????? And I did tell the receptionist on Monday what I was here for and did she do anything - um no.

I was sooo mad I thought I was going to lose it. I mean my shot took literally about 30 seconds but I sat in the damn waiting room for an hour and a half......GRRRRR. I mean am I crazy, did I have the right to be mad?? Talk about a waste of time.....


Melanie said...

Oh yeah, I would be getting a new doctor. That is bullshit. My time is way too valuable for that.

The Nut House... said...

I think I need to calm down before I comment on this. I am so pissed just reading this.

I agree with Melanie. Get a new doctor. It is obvious that the right and left hands in that office are not communicating well. It is obvious that the staff forgot that reason they are employed is because of people like you. It is obvious that they have too many patients to be running efficiently and on time.

I hope you told the physician that you DID tell the receptionist what you were there for and that they handled this. Unless you feel you can not live without this doctor, I say move on.

That totally pisses me off. Apparently they seem to think people have nothing better to do than to sit in an office. They obviously forgot that YOU... hired them.

Wow. So pissed!!! Move on sister and make it known WHY you are leaving - to the doc that is.