07 June 2010

Ahhhh....needed that!

As many of you know Karl surprised me last week with a request to go away for the weekend.  We decided to head to a really cute town about an hour and half from us called New Hope. They had tons of Bed & Breakfasts, some on the pricey side so Karl suggested we stay at a regular hotel so that we could do more things out on the town....great idea I thought. So I proceeded to check out the area and found (what I thought) was a fantastic hotel. It was called The Nevermore Hotel, and from the pics on the website it looked fantastic....AND the rooms were very reasonable. I called them up and booked our room.

Mom-mom came down Friday afternoon and we were off. We had to drive through the town of New Hope to get to our hotel and just from that short drive we were excited to get out and explore. We got to the hotel and as we were checking in Karl noticed that there was a book on display at the front desk and on the cover was basically a naked man, well not COMPLETELY naked but pretty much, plus he was in a very provocative pose. I of course did not notice this. When we got to our room he told me about it, I said maybe it was just a display of Art Nouveau...who knows. I know the area was very artsy, so it was a possibility.

We freshened up and decided to walk back through the hotel to get some suggestions for dinner....as we were walking through the hallway we noticed LOTS of provocative pictures on the walls. ALLLLL of them men. So we proceeded to ask some ideas from the gentleman at the desk and then we took off for the night. We just kind of laughed it off and went and walked around and then had a great dinner. When we got back it was still fairly early so we decided to head to the bar and have a drink. When we walked it again it was all photos of naked/or near naked men.....we also noticed that all the people dancing were same sex couples....we just started to laugh. So we sat down and ordered our drinks. We enjoyed our drink and then headed back to the room. And we shared another laugh! All in all it was a good weekend! We did lots of relaxing, shopping and eating....just a few of my fave things to do. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL. This story reminds me of when Kraig & I lived in Chicago. We were looking for a restaurant in an unfamiliar part of town for us. The cab dropped us off in the wrong neighborhood - once we realized this we decided to check out the area we were in. They had very funky shops with lots of fun costume-y type stuff. Well we walked around for a bit and like you decided to step into a bar for a drink and then catch a cab back home. As we were in the bar I noticed that I was the only girl in the whole bar.....lightbulb!!! Turns out that were in a part of Chicago known as Boystown...we still chuckle about that. To quote Seinfeld "not that there's anything wrong with that"